With gnashed teeth and head bowed, i remember that fateful
day when she invited me over, an innocent act i said to
myself-subconsciously trying to placate the other part of
my head that was dogmatically scolding me for answering
her call every single time helplessly like she was nature.
Truth be told though, i was no stranger to her world-her
little paradise had her scent all over and understandably it
felt like home to me, her soft bed was my favourite part of
the room and soon enough i was sprawled on it, as she
came over and gave me the most inviting of welcomes on
my lips. Before long we were away and beyond and as
always i was enthralled in our conversation, enchanted by
her beauty!. I laid wif my head on her laps, she stroked my
hair gently and as i rose to share a gaze wif her, i lost my
soul, for those big brown eyes of hers were magical,
magical beyond words and i laid there, motionless,
watching her talk, watching her smile, watching her live,
watching her in gratitude for the happiness she gave me
and i was so fulfilled, so it was not surprising when a little
over five hours later, a visit that started early in the evening
felt like i had just gotten here but alas it was dark already,
too late to head home but i had to, she wouldnt hear of it,
she chided me sternly, ironically even a reprimand from her
i found endearing. I was ruined and i knew very well the
hopelessness of my case but sadly even that did not help
matters, if at all, it complicated things even more. Finally
like always she had her way with me-i was to spend the
night over!.looking back now, i can't help buh fear it was all
planned right from the start. It was new territory for me, for
never had i spent an entire night alone wif a girl alone
before and thus naturally i was apprehensive but i
reassured myself, i reassured myself wif the fact that i loved
her, i reassured myself wif the fact that i trusted her thus
invariably she wouldn't hurt me.#smh -if wishes were
horses........ gradually but inevitably night came, sleep
beckoned, painfully but truthfully it dawned on me i couldn't
keep guard anymore, i had to let go and as she took me in
her hands and cuddled me, i felt warmth, i felt loved, i felt
safe, like salt in water, my fears were lost, my alarm senses
dissipated- a feeling so peaceful that all i wanted now was
to fall asleep and fall i did!
Asleep i dreamt of a beautiful and serene garden full of
white roses and i was taking a stroll, enjoying the rare yet
breathtaking scenery when suddenly it started to rain blood,
blood turning a charming white garden to a red scary one, i
woke abruptly, disturbed by the dream and subsequently
even more alarmed when i find that she's no longer beside
me, to compound my woes even more, i discover that my
member was at its full length, how it got there i didnt know
and frankly i didn't care for i was greatly embarrassed and
more concerned wif what if she found me in this state? What
would she fink of me? Would she get the wrong impression
of me and fins? It was a swift transition from the tranquil
state i was before now to this chaotic fauxpass, i was still
trying to fathom a way out when suddenly i felt this strange
warmth pervade my member, the feeling
was.................the feeling was..........the feeling was out
of this world, i was wet and i was dripping, i felt something
like a palate move round it, i was shocked, so i raised my
head almost immediately and then i saw, -what i saw was
not for the faint at heart for there re sights a man see's once
in a lifetime and once is more than enough, lo and behold,
she was there, down there and she had it in her mouth, i
was shocked beyond words, i SCREAMED! but unfortunately
the sounds that came out were strange even to my own
ears. I was doomed, like judas, my own body had betrayed
me, pathetic man that i am! She didnt stop there, like an
invading army, she pressed upward in her quest to conquer,
she took my nipples in her mouth, one after the other, poor
things, i can't deny that the feeling was so pleasurable yet it
was strange thus i screamed for her to STOP in protest but
NO! ,for every protest i made or tried to she seemed
#reinvigorated and spurred on. #smh, it was a hopeless
cause, it was apparent-even a #blindchild could tell the
night was not going to end well for me.
Things #escalated when she took my member in her left
hand in an attempt to guide me into her, with every last
strength in my being i resisted and i pleaded wif her to
STOP, with tears already running down my cheek i began
what would turn out to be a futile quest to make her see
reasons, to make her understand that i was not quite ready
yet, it was something i wanted to give as a marriage
present, it was desire to be "met at home", to explain to her
that the act was against my faith and above all to make her
realise that my mom would be very disappointed but NO!
She was not to be moved, her eyes were no longer
charming, they were scary and red wif lust, before i could
pursue my case even further she resumed her madness and
wif even more bite this time, like my protesting had wasted
her time and thus angered her, she needed to make up for
lost time and so wif a single thrust she forced her way in
and involuntarily i recoiled and #SCREAMEDoUTiNpAIN, in
that split second my world tilted on its axis, everyfin went
black-like my eyes were opened yet all i could see was
darkness, i could swear i died and came back.
Despondently, wif tears falling freely i opened my eyes only
to find her staring down at me wif a grin of accomplishment
on her face.#smh...hate on my mind, i felt like a prey that
had just been vanquished!.
I reminsce wif eyes closed in disgust and pain as she
penetrated my innocence wif strength and brutality like
never seen before now. I reminsce now wif my heart
thumping, that single moment of heart rending pain i could
never wish away now. Now locked away in room, all alone
in a vacant and pensive mood gloating about my precious
purity- sent on a journey, one never to return from!. Now i
find my poor head filled wif more questions than answers.-
was she worth it?-will dz gloomy sense of loss dat
pervades my entire being ever leave? should i ve fallen for
her charms and sweet talk?- should i ve trusted her?-will i
ever be the same again? As disappointed as i am, why don't
i hate her? Why did she do it? Why did she break my heart?
Why did she violate me? Was this what it was all about for
her? Will she love me even more now? Why did she #take
from me what i didn't #give freely? will i ever be pure